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Stanley Cup Finals: Angels and Demons

Published by on June 9, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

My friends, we are heading towards Game Six of the Stanley Cup Finals and I have noticed one obvious thing on B/R: People think the Wings are Angels and the Penguins are Demons.

I am so sick and tired of people referring to the Penguins or their captain as punks, cry babies, no class sons of a gun, and other not very nice words.

Red Wings fans' whining and crying is getting so annoying that it makes me wonder who is the bigger whiner—Sidney Crosby or Red Wings fans?

In this series the Pittsburgh Penguins have the role of the Demon, according to Wings fans, of course!

Whether it is because Crosby talks to the referees—Wings fans call this whining—Malkin fighting with Zetterbe...

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