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How Ray Emery Will Affect the Flyers’ Offseason

Published by on June 10, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Well, it is official: Ray Emery has signed with the Philadelphia Flyers. Everyone has been debating about whether he will be good or bad, how he will handle Philly, how he will handle Philly fans, etc.

But now, let's take a look at what this will mean for the Flyers offseason.


1. No More Biron, but Possibly Still Antero

Martin Biron—who is quite possibly one of the nicest players in the NHL—will be looking for a new team.

Assuming the salary cap will stay around $56.7 million and taking into account the Emery deal, the Flyers have approximately $6.163 million to spend this offseason. Biron is looking for a deal that is around $5 million. ...

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