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I’m So Glad The Season’s Returning to The Way It Should Be

Published by on June 12, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

I was worried for a few weeks back in May.  The Royals in first place? 

The Blue Jays with the best record in the American League? The good news is, things are back they way they should be.

AL East

Thank goodness the Red Sox and Yankees are back on top battling for first.  I mean, I live in Hawaii, but as far as I care, the other 12 teams in the American League are just for show.

ESPN should petition for the Red Sox and Yankees to play all 162 games against each other, because they are the only two teams that count anyway.  Why do you think ESPN is in Connecticut?

Seriously, why do the 250 million people who don't live in the northeast even root for someone else...

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