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40 Games in 40 Nights: Day 1 Wrap Up

Published by on April 19, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

How would the Celtics fare without KG?
Chicago 105, Boston 103 (OT)

Well, they didn't. Ray Allen looked like he was still in witness protection. Paul "The Self-Proclaimed Best Player in the World" Pierce missed that free throw above that would have won the game with two seconds left in regulation.

KG was so pissed at the first half effort that he decided to skip the second half and catch the The Lord of the Rings marathon.  The Baby Bulls on the other hand were led by soon to be Rookie of the Year Derrick Rose.

If the ballots had yet to be tallied, this all but sealed his rookie campaign. Rose owned the Celtics from the opening alley-oop to Noah.

Rose finished with 36 points and 11 a...

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