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Lakers: Can the Other Guys Get Some Love?

Published by on June 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

The Lakers win the NBA championship, and all anyone can talk about is how it's Kobe's fourth and first without Shaq, and Phil's 10th overall, surpassing Red, and where it ranks them all-time.

Well, can a single coach and a single player win a championship by themselves? Of course not—it's a group effort, and so if no one else is going to do it, then allow me this opportunity to thank assistant coaches Brian Shaw and Kurt Rambis, who will be heading their own squadrons in the near future, as well as longtime Zenmaster bench aids Frank Hamblen and Jim Cleamons.

Tex Winter, wherever you are, get well soon, so you can enjoy this also. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, we salute you as well, you deserve much better than a job as...

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