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SF Giants Get Burnt—Barry Zito, the Baseball Gods, and My Big Mouth

Published by on June 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

For whatever reason, baseball players tend to be extraordinarily superstitious, and it’s not just the professional ones. When I was a Little Leaguer, I started developing a taste for idiosyncrasies I believed would coax the Baseball Gods onto my side.

By the time I got to high school, I employed a couple personal favorites as well as some of the old standards.

No stepping on the foul line, pre-game in the same order with the same teammate, no talking about a hot streak, no rocking a winning streak (you get the idea).

I’m far more superstitious when it comes to watching Major League Baseball, however. I firmly believe my presence at Pac Bell puts the San Francisco Giants into a huge karmic hole...

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