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Summer Of 1998: My Childhood Dead and Buried

Published by on June 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

I remember a time growing up when I was just a naive, young kid.

I loved the game of baseball, and still do. In 1998, I was 8-years-old and in the prime of my childhood.

It was a simpler time then. The Yankees were the best team baseball had ever seen, and the Red Sox couldn't buy a playoff win.

But above all, in the middle of that summer, Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire captivated me.

My friends and I would head out to my backyard on a hot afternoon and pretend to be guys like McGwire and Sosa, attempting to hit the ball into the next yard for a home run. There was no better feeling than when the ball connected with my bat the right way, with the summer sun beating d...

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