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Edgar Martinez Hall Worthy, Whether You Like DH Or Not

Published by on January 6, 2010
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Edgar Martinez didn’t invent the designated hitter rule. He did better than that—he owned it.

It’s not his fault he was so good at it.

Martinez, eligible for the Hall of Fame for the first time this year but nowhere near election (he was named on just 32.6 percent of the ballots; 75 percent is needed for induction), pretty much did one thing and one thing only:

He swung the bat.

Maybe he didn’t even own a glove. Or if he did, perhaps it was covered with cobwebs.

Martinez was the first player in baseball history who seized the DH rule—an abominable rule but again, not his fault—and genuinely made a living out of it. Before him, the DH was th...

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