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Steroids Are Peformance DE-HANCERS

Published by on April 20, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Beating the Dead Horse

Have I rendered my opinion about Performance-enhancing substances to you yet?

No? Well, allow me—steroids are misunderstood. They receive too much credit for assisting athletes on the field of play. In reality, they don't make much of a difference because plenty of sucky players took them and guess what—they still sucked. 

The only thing PEDs do is make a person completely intolerable and turn them into incredible liars. Suddenly everyone is an Egyptian—standing waist deep in de-nial.

Take Roger Clemens, for instance. He was a user. And now he's a deny-er. His cloak of invincibility has worn thin and now he seeks clemency (hey - a pun!). He thinks ...

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