Featured, NFL NEWS

NFL Continues To Treat Toronto With Contempt

Published by on April 21, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

I've written articles about this very same issue during the World Baseball Classic, but here I go again, writing another one about the utter arrogance, ignorance, contempt, if not outright racism some Americans have for "foreigners". 

This one in particular centers on the latest Buffalo Bills game in Toronto on December 3 against the New York Jets.

If Canadians were smart and not so mindlessly wound up about the NFL and the glamour, which American television confers on the league, everyone would turn their backs and say,  "Keep your game and don't bother us any more."

Toronto has been able to watch the NFL on television since the 1950's, and as the league has grown to be the number one sports leag...

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