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Hornets Hype | Past Performances Do Not Guarantee Future Results

Published by on April 21, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Many think that after that complete blowout in Game 1, that the Hornets are dead and buried. I must admit that I was extremely disappointed. My disappointment was not so much in the results as it was the effort displayed by New Orleans.

In many of their losses this season, a lack of effort coupled with poor performance by the bench have been the key factors.  If the Hornets do not put out the effort in the remainder of the series, it is going to be short one indeed.

As they say in the securities business, past performance is not an indicator of future results.  However, it is interesting to look back at the series between these two teams to see what the key factors were.

Game 1 Nov 27 at Denver....

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