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The FaFU: NBA Playoffs Schedule, ICCM(?), Flyers, et al.

Published by on April 22, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

The FaFU:  A guide to everything in sports (and otherwise) that needs a bit of levity.  To achieve this form of high-brow criticism we use a mix of CAPS LOCK, unnecessary cursing, and a ton of links that NONE OF YOU EVER CLICK ON!!!1@1!!  If you don’t like it you probably deserve an elbow to the groin.  For those about to read, we salute you…

10) Arsenal vs. Liverpool - I’m heavy into this whole ESPN Streak for the Cash thing.  Do you know what I know a lot about?  Nothing.  I don’t sports.  I meant to write it that way.  Don’t judge me.  But, hey, 3-pick streak!!  No need to make it “interesting” Arsenal...

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