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A 24 Cup Perspective: The Montreal Canadiens “Un-Bandwagon”

Published by on April 22, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Every spring, fans from all around the NHL, who may not have their favourite team in the postseason dance, may jump on what many refer to as a "bandwagon" and carry on with that team until their demise.  Maybe, they pick up another team on the way too.

It seems that every spring though, with the demise of any team, there becomes what I like to call an "un-badwagon".  

Simply put, it's the opposite of a bandwagon.  It's where fans get off the bandwagon and start trashing the team that they had such high hopes and aspirations for.

And in Montreal, despite the faithful 21,273 fans that have passed through the Bell Centre gates for 85 games since October, they have expressed their interested in...

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