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NBA FANS: What Other Teams Are You Rooting For/Against?

Published by on April 23, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

NBA fans, feeling you! Forty games in forty nights!

Okay, so your team is in the first round of the playoffs. But there are forty games in 40 nights. Surely, you are not going to turn on "Dancing With the Stars" or Survivor" because your team isn’t playing on a particular night. You must have other teams that your are rooting for or against.

For example, I follow the Lakers. But I watch every playoff game I can. I usually root for the underdog, no matter who it is. But this time there are three other teams that I’m rooting for besides the Lakers.

Cleveland, of course, not because I want to see a Cavaliers-Lakers Final series or a Kobe Bryant–Lebron James matchup. But because Detroit with...

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