Featured, NFL NEWS

Paulus Continues to use the Michigan Brand Name

Published by on April 23, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Bill Martin should send him a bill for brand infringement.

It was clear from the Michigan camp last weekend that Michigan was no longer interested in Greg Paulus joining the Wolverines.

End of story right? Nope!

Now, ESPN is reporting that Greg is picking Syracuse over Michigan. Wait a minute? How could Greg be picking Syracuse over Michigan when Michigan is no longer an option for him?

The key is that the media is in love with Greg Paulus and he is eating up all of his 15 minutes. To muddy the waters even further, Greg is saying that he has not decided on Syracuse yet and is still taking other visits. I guess he must really love all this media coverage. By the way, it's sad that even the loca...

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