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The Cleveland Cavaliers: Two Scores to Settle

Published by on April 23, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

As a die-hard Buffalo Braves fan who still hasn't gotten over the abduction of the team to Southern California where they now pose as the Clippers, I would first like to point out that the team has not come close to matching the success they enjoyed in their short life in Buffalo. I guess they just can't play in warm weather.

But, the question that the loyal few of us are asking is, "Do we have a dog in the NBA fight?"

Some would argue the Clippers are still our team, especially because they occasionally wear throwback Buffalo jerseys. Others would argue that the Raptors are our new home team. If you believe that the Bills are Toronto's team, then the Raptors can be Buffalo's. 

Or not.


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