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Do Yankee Ghosts Haunt The New Yankee Stadium?

Published by on April 23, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

During the 2003 American League Championship Series, New York Yankee captain Derek Jeter told Aaron Boone to wait until the ghosts came out in the Stadium.

Shortly after that, Boone hit a Tim Wakefield knuckleball into the night and the Yankees returned to the World Series.

Jeter believed that the ghosts of great players and great teams kept watch over the Old Yankee Stadium and funny things happened that had no normal explanation.

Paranormal forces must have been at work.

Jeter has also expressed a desire that the ghosts follow the team across the street to their new digs when they opened the stadium last week.

But Jeter may have gotten more than he bargained for.


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