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Something’s Wrong with David Wright and the Mets

Published by on April 23, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

As young as this season is, it’s quickly becoming the same old story.

Last night's loss to the Cards further exposed the young and inept core of the Mets rotation. Furthermore, the team can’t figure out a way to drive in base runners at pretty much any point in the game.

For a team that has six starters batting above .300, scoring four runs a game is just sad. Last night in his post game interview, Jerry Manuel said that he would be swapping Wright and Beltran in the lineup today, along with the usual day game after a night game substitutions.

Wright, even with his .305 batting average, has been having a terrible early go at the plate this year. He’s on pace to strike out 185 times this y...

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