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Economics 101: Why New England Patriots Drafts Are Such Mysteries

Published by on April 24, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

If there is one constant about the plethora of mock drafts out there, it's that the vast majority of them will get draft picks for the New England Patriots wrong.

In fact, sometimes they're hilariously wrong.

The good news is that Patriots head coach Bill Belichick has revealed the Patriots' philosophy regarding the draft.

The bad news is, even if you understand how the Patriots approach the draft, the best you can do is make an educated guess as to what the Patriots will do.

So, what is the Patriot Way?

To quote Belichick's recent press conference:

Q: "This will be a successful draft if we—

BB: "Improve our team."

It sounds really silly wh...

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