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Cleveland Cavaliers at Detroit Pistons, Game Three: How I Saw It

Published by on April 24, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Tonight the Cavs beat the Pistons 79-68 to go up 3-0 in the series. The following is what I saw, as I watched the game unfold.


In the first quarter, the Pistons fed Rasheed Wallace, who struggled against Anderson Varejao. Once upon a time, Rasheed would have taken a guy like Varejao to school. Now? He's taking forced fade away jumpers. Later, Wallace manages to get a technical foul while sitting on the bench. I'd say there's about a week left in the Rasheed Wallace in the Detroit era.


LeBron is fantastic in the passing lanes. I had seen him as a great on the ball defender before, but he has clearly improved.


Rip Hamilton...

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