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Like Fine Wine, Rivera Continues To Age Beautifully

Published by on April 26, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Enter Sandman by Metallica starts blasting through the Yankee Stadium loud speakers at the top of the ninth inning. If there ever was a song opposing players of any team wished they would never have to listen to, this would be their choice.

The crowd gets up and roars its approval as the inevitable is about to happen. The Yankees have the lead and are about to give the ball to their 39 year old one pitch closer. Just so happens, Mariano Rivera is as dominating as ever.

Not to bad a career put together by a one-time failed starter whose rookie ERA was 5.51 huh? After a shaky opening season in which the Yankees were still experimenting in where to put their future Hall of Fame star, Rivera’s career has been nothi...

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