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Have The Young Caps Finally Caught Up? The Future Looks Bright

Published by on April 26, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

In a society where shock and awe could be known as a D.C. trend, the whole hockey world has been waiting for any performance that would give us a glimpse into what the future held for the National Hockey League. In soccer terms, hockey had gone into stoppage time. But, excitement was on the way with the arrival of "Alex the Great" and "Sid the Kid." Two new "one names" in the making.

Crosby and his team continue to prove themselves as a force to be reckoned with, while it seems as though we are finally seeing the second coming of the Caps. Mike Green is looking like the defensive player of the year, while Brashier looks as though he is going to rob the boxing community every time he puts on his skates (he definitely has a fu...

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