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Attention All Hockey Fans: 2009 NHL Playoff Pool

Published by on April 14, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Hey all BleacherReport hockey fans.  I was thinking about running an NHL wide playoff pool.  Here is how things will work:

We will go round by round, so I only need your round 1 picks for both conferences.  Depending on the amount of people that join in I will remove the bottom ranked people after each round with the lowest points.  The Stanley Cup round will come down to the Top 5 people and ties.

You will guess the winner of each match-up and get 1 point for each correct pick. Also you will pick the amount of games the series will go.  If you get the games correct you will also get another point (total games correctly picked will get point even if series winner is wrong).

So if y...

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