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NHL Writers: Bleacher Report’s Second-Rate Citizens?

Published by on April 27, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Please note: By writing this article, it is in no way my intention to disrespect other sports and glorify hockey, it is only an opinionated column that is meant to shed some light on the state of the NHL on BleacherReport.com. If I have offended you or your sport in any way, I apologize.

If you're like me then you might be feeling a little discouraged. 

Why is that you ask?

Well for starters I'm in no way, shape, or form a veteran of Bleacher Report and I don't claim to be, but from my...er...let's see now...eight months as a member of this fine sports writing establishment, I have noticed a few things.

You see, the fact of the matter is, I'm a big ol' hockey nut and it's because of t...

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