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Chicago Cubs: 18 Games In…I’m Out.

Published by on April 28, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Call me irrational. Call me a quitter. Call me a typical "the sky is falling" Cubs' fan. I don't care.

After 18 games of mostly lousy baseball, I'm done. I can't stand watching this team. Every time I turn them on, I get sick to my stomach. I should have known better too.

Hendry never really gave them a shot to be successful. Gone are the veteran bats that could get the big hit in the clutch (Read: DeRosa and Edmonds). In their place are an always injured basket case who's hitting 20 (not 200...TWENTY) and Aaron Miles (Sucks). Good god. Throw in Soto's sophomore slump along with D-Lee's rotting corpse and I am actually shocked that they have won two games, let alone nine.

And then there is the pitching. Ig...

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