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Blowing Smoke: A Look at The 2009 Draft and The NFL Smokscreen-Part One

Published by on April 30, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Well the draft has come and gone and a new crop of NFL talent prepares for its first snaps of a new season. Let's take a moment to look back at to what led us to the this point.

The NFL draft is supposedly an intense game of cat and mouse with some elements of a poker world series match. Before the draft, teams are jockeying for position, disguising their moves, and trying to throw off every team as to what their true intentions are.

While it all sounds like a large conspiracy from the outside, teams invest millions of dollars in security groups and private investigators. They leak information to the media and hold their plans tight to their chest.

The main tool of the NFL organizations is the smokescreen...

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