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The Best Hockey Games that I’ve Attended

Published by on April 30, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

In this Slideshow i want to share with you all the best 5 games that i have been to in person, unfortunately i'll warn you know it is alot of Ottawa Senators games since those are the ones i go to most often, but there was 1 non Senators game that made the list. If you also attended these games where do they rank on your list? Feel Free to leave a comment, i am interested to know what other people's opinion are this is why i am posting it. Oh, and before anyone asks why not a top 10, well i didn't seem to think there were that many good games i've been to so i made it a top 5. So feel free to come with me and experience the best 5 games that i have ever attended in Person. If you ...

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