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Do I Think I Can Do Better? Absolutely! How I Spell D-y-n-a-s-t-y with the Eagles

Published by on May 1, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

As I told fellow writer Curt today: "Nobody plays the "What if" game better than Eagles fans" Then another writer listed the Eagles as an Almost Dynasties which as badly as I wanted to I could not argue against. That got me thinking. Could I have done a better job of guiding the Eagles than Andy Reid has done? Don't misunderstand Andy Reid is a very good coach and I've enjoyed the success he's brought to this city in his tenure. However I would be remiss if I weren't a little jealous of what I consider "lesser" teams winning Superbowl with the Eagles forced to watch. In the slide show I've compiled critical moments where a change here or there would have shifted the Eagles fortune. This would be an absolutely exhausting article to wr...

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