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Dana Eveland Needs To Be Sent Down Immediately

Published by on May 2, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Dana Eveland is not a major-league pitcher, and tonight's game proves exactly why he doesn't belong in the major leagues. The only reason why Bob Geren and Billy Beane have kept Eveland around is because of his age, and it's not a good enough reason to keep him in the majors.

Eveland has had control issues since he has joined the A's rotation. In 33 starts for the A's, he's walked 89 batters, including tonight's game, which was his 34th start as an A. He has walked a total of 92 batters in 193.1 innings.

This, for a starter towards the top of the rotation, is unacceptable, and it's embarrassing that the A's continue to use Eveland in the rotation. Eveland has proved that he doesn't belong in any part of the rotation....

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