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With Broncos’ Pick, Seattle Seahawks Should Be in Top 10 of Draft Again

Published by on May 4, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

In the wake of Seattle’s shrewd acquisition of a second first-round pick in the 2010 draft, there’s plenty of speculation about where that pick will be and what the Seahawks might get with it.

It turns out the Seahawks insisted that the Denver Broncos give up their own first-round pick rather than the one they got from Chicago in the Jay Cutler trade. Apparently, the Seahawks are of the same mind as most people: Denver will be worse than Chicago in 2009.

"After talking it through with the other team, we felt like, that’s OK, we’ll roll the dice," Denver coach Josh McDaniels told the Denver Post. "I have no idea where Chicago’s pick is going to be. And I don’t have the foresight to ...

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