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Why I’m Glad Dwyane Wade Is Out of the NBA Playoffs

Published by on May 4, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Last night I overheard a conversation that made me nearly throw up. The conversation was centered around the best players in basketball, and as I walked by this exchange was taking place:

Guy No. 1: No way you don’t include D-Wade on that list.
Guy No. 2: I’m not sure if he is in that upper tier of players.
Guy No. 1: What?! He carried a crappy team to an NBA Championship!

Guy No. 1 should be shot, plain and simple (for more details on his completely inaccurate analysis of Dwyane Wade’s accomplishments see point No. 2 below).

My disillusion with Dwyane Wade could stem from a number of sources. For all I know. it could have started when he wrecked my bracket at Marq...

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