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Crowning A-Rod: The 10 Biggest Douche Bags in Sports

Published by on May 5, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

So I’m not usually one for top 10 lists. They’re usually hackneyed attempts at provoking controversy and cheap exposure, not unlike a certain Pennsylvania senator’s recent switch of political parties. But reading the latest Alex Rodriguez allegations in Selena Roberts’ new book, A-Rod: The Many Lives of Alex Rodriguez, I got to thinking: “This guy is the single biggest douche bag in all of sports.” Then of course the former copy editor in me spoke up, “Yeah, how do you know? Have you considered every other athlete and rated them on a sliding scale of douchiness in order to provide a scientific back-up of your allegation? You haven’t, have you? Jesus Christ, man! Have I taught you nothi...

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