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The Leafs Fall in the Spring, but Plan on Budding in the Summer…

Published by on April 14, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Less than a year ago, John Tavares was hardly a household name. He was playing in the OHL and doing well, yes; however, critics were picking at his defensive play, toughness, and heart. Much of these short-comings have been improved upon. He is now undoubtedly the best player in this year's draft, and will almost certainly go first overall.

Many teams, including the Toronto Maple Leafs, are more than just interested in somehow acquiring the first overall pick from the lousy New York Islanders.

Early Tuesday, the day of the draft lottery, Brian Burke postured: "We'll immediately attempt to move up...we're going to talk to everyone between us and the first pick and see what the landscape is...we're going to ...

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