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A Pitcher As a Many-Splendored “Thing”

Published by on May 6, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Having decried the Pirates' recent lack of creativity in deploying their pitchers, I will use an older example that "dates" me. This time, we are in the bottom of the eighth inning. The bad news is that we're trailing by one run.

The good news is that we have men on first and third with only one out. And the best news is that we have a hitter on the bench with an average well over .300. That's the one you send to the plate to hit for your pitcher, right?

Any hit ties the game. So, too, might a long sacrifice fly or a deep infield ball that doesn't become a double play. A double might give you the lead, enough to win. A walk loads the bases.

With the man's OBP of .354, the chances of a ...

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