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The Curious Case of Pat Venditte, the Switch-Arm Pitcher

Published by on May 6, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Every baseball fan and sports betting fanatic has a conspiracy theory about why the New York Yankees are so good. It's unlikely that you can remember the last time the boys in pinstripes weren't, at the very least, contending for a playoff spot in September. Even when they're not contending, it's like Tiger Woods on Sunday—you always assume they have a way back into it.

One way or another, the Yankees have managed to get the best players in the league, always. Arguably, a top 20 list of the greatest baseball players in history could feature upwards of a dozen former Bronx Bombers by the time this decade closes out.

But never before have the Yankees struck gold in the way they have with Pat Venditte. Sure, peopl...

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