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The Funny Side of Manny’s Suspension: Why He Was Suspended

Published by on May 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

You're not going to believe this, but according to Steve Henson and Tim Brown of Yahoo! Sports, who have heard from another source, not only was the drug Manny Ramirez taking not a steroid or HGH, it was not used for weight-room performance enhancing.

However, it was still a performance enhancer: in the bedroom. From here:

"The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the substance is supposed to boost sex drive. It is not Viagra, but a substance that treats the cause rather providing a temporary boost in sexual performance, the source said... The source [also] intimated that Ramirez might bring legal action against the physician."

I can't help it. Even knowing Manny's gonna be out for the next t...

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