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Top Ten Reasons Brett Favre Should Stay Retired

Published by on May 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

10. You are going to be 40 years old in October.  While I do not believe that you have lost your head for the game, one definitely needs more than their head to QB in the NFL. I believe that physically, you may be like a priceless statue made of paper thin glass.

9.  When someone retires, they should stay retired.  I know that I am definitely not alone in this thought. We as sports fans have seen one too many of our heralded sports figures play this game.

Brett Favre, you have already crossed the line, where some believe you to be a joke.  Is it even possible that your play on the field can surpass these thoughts?

8. Brett, seriously?...  You are definitely going to the Hall of Fa...

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