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A Passion Foresaken: Steroid Usage in Baseball

Published by on May 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Well unless Manny Ramirez can come up with another excuse that would show why he took a woman's drug, usually taken by players to end the steroid cycle, I think Ramirez has now been added to the elite class of legends that felt they needed more.

Let's look at the most recognizable steroid cases. Rafael Palmero, Roger Clemons, Barry Bonds, Andy Pettite, Mark McGwire, Jose Canseco, Jason Giambi, and now Alex Rodriguez. Those are just some noticeable names that have ruined their legacies with usage of performance enhancing drugs and it is a shame.

If you look at that list, you will see some of the greatest players of their respective eras.

All of them were bound to be hall of famers. Barry Bonds is the "Ho...

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