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Boras Leaks Real Drug Behind Manny Suspension: Hair Products

Published by on May 8, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

On Thursday evening, Scott Boras held another press conference to add to the exhaustive coverage of Manny Ramirez's suspension in order to identify exactly for which drug Manny Ramirez had tested positive.

"These sources have it all wrong," said Boras as he stuffed the wad of money he'd been greedily counting back into his suit pocket. "Manny wasn't using any sort of fertility drug—his virility is certainly not in question. No, Manny was suspended for the use of cytotoxins."

There was a pause as several reporters quickly Googled "cytotoxins" on their iPhones in a race to respond to the statement more fully.

The fastest reporter responded, "Mr. Boras, are you telling us that Manny has been suspe...

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