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Phoenix, Arizona, USA, vs. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Published by on May 8, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

There are no good guys versus bad guys in the shooting match over the Phoenix Coyotes, according to the New York Times—even though the team's owner, or former owner, and one prospective owner appears to be gunning for the NHL.

Stu Hackel of the New York Times says that on one side, there’s a league that wants to protect its ability to run itself, on the other side there’s a singularly-minded billionaire man who has over 100,000 fans signed up to his "Make It Seven" website.

Jim Balsillie's online petition is all about getting a seventh NHL team for Canada, rather than for Ontario, southern Ontario, or Hamilton, Ontario.

Even so, it's time we compared Phoenix and Hamilton to see which cit...

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