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Pittsburgh Penguins’ Fan 2008-2009 Diary

Published by on April 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

I've always wondered how historians figure out the things they do. 

How does someone compare two records that are meaningless to me and draw enough conclusions for a 90 minute piece on the History Channel?  What records am I leaving behind that will give people a clue as to what life was like in this decade?

Hopefully, no one will ever find anything of mine and try to draw any logical conclusions.  The same should be said of any true sports fan; we're just too hard to pin down to any one opinion, stance, or decision for very long.

With that in mind, here is a sample of the diary with monthly entries of a fictitious Penguin fan for the past season.  If you're still around in 100 years,...

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