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Top 10: What Was Kevin Smith Thinking?

Published by on May 10, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Mlive.com recently reported that sophomore running back, Kevin Smith has predicted a playoff berth for the recently 0-16 Detroit Lions. This led many fans and onlookers to exclaim, WHAT IS HE THINKING?

Here friends, is your answer.


Top 10 Things Kevin Smith Was Thinking When He Predicted The Lions Would Make the Playoffs

10) When Kevin Smith said "we should make the playoffs" he was referring to his fantasy football team. A team in which no Detroit Lions are anywhere near the roster.

9) Jason Hanson has been perfecting his 75 yard field goals.

8) Kevin mistakenly thought that the Lions had joined the Detroit Metro League and their first opponent was Detroit Persh...

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