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How Do You Solve a Problem Like Manny Ramirez?

Published by on May 11, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Many a thing you know you'd like to tell [him], many a thing [he] ought to understand.  But how do you make [him] stay and listen to all you saw, how do you keep a wave upon the sand?—"Maria," The Sound of Music (with a little poetic license)

That's right, sports fans, The Sound of Music.

Hey, I grew up sandwiched in between two sisters on either side and a father who traveled a lot i.e. I had zero control over any democratic entertainment decisions made in the house.  Consequently, I number Rodgers' and Hammerstein's classic musical amongst my favorite/most easily accessed movies.

Ditto The Little Mermaid.  And two of my favorite television shows of all-time are The Golden Girls (Bea...

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