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With Terrible Towel In Hand: The Story Of How a Fan Was Made

Published by on May 11, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Most people who haven't known me for more than nine years think that I was born bleeding black and gold.

What they don't know, and what is now painful for me to admit, is that I was not a sports fan from birth. 

Sure, I remember Super Bowl XXX. I remember not having a clue what a quarterback was, but still wondering why Neil O'Donnell was doing such a bad job of it. I remember my father being upset that we lost.

That's about it for football memories.

And then I joined the marching band my freshman year of high school.

Marching band would change and define my life for the next eight years in more ways than I can count; one of the happiest side effects of my choice to join was w...

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