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NHL Game Sevens: The Most Exciting Spectactle in Sports

Published by on May 13, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

There is something to be said when glancing at the NHL.com home page.

"Man, that is a sleek and sexy design!"

"It looks like Gary Bettman and a five-year-old designed it!"

"Dang! Three of the four semifinals series are going to game sevens!"

Ok, so I said the last one. But seriously, it is an amazing time to be a hockey fan. The Chicago Blackhawks will be going to the Western Conference Finals, possibly for an Original Six meeting with Detroit, or maybe with the Cinderella Anaheim Ducks.

Glancing at the other end, top-dog Boston could be outed by the Carolina Hurricanes, who have truly picked up speed and seem poised to slam into the Eastern Conference Finals. They could meet eith...

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