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Bettman vs. Balsillie Brawl

Published by on May 13, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Instead of battling in bankruptcy court, Gary Bettman and Jim Balsillie should "man up" and brawl in a hockey rink.

That's something we'd all like to see on ESPN or Hockey Night In Canada. Some might even pay to see it on Versus.

Picture this: A staged fight between periods at a hockey game...

In one corner, at over 5'0", born in the U.S.A., Gary "The Count" Bettman.

And in the other corner, wearing his hockey equipment and uniform, representing the Great White North, it's Jim "BlackBerry" Balsillie.

If I was a betting man, my money would be on the billionaire. But, man, you have to hope it's not like a hockey fight, with one punch and a jersey pulled over a head.


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