Featured, NFL NEWS

The 1991 Philadelphia Eagles: My Favorite Team

Published by on May 14, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

I can count with one finger the number of times I've seen my father cry.

It was Sept. 1, 1991. A warm, late summer day in Northern Virginia where we lived. I had religious services that morning and asked my dad to record the Eagles game for me so I could watch it later.

When I got home, I rang the bell, and he opened the door and looked as if someone was dead. He was welling up with tears. I asked him what happened.

"The game," he said.

I kinda laughed. "That bad?" I asked. "Did they lose?"

He shook his head and said, "No, they won." When I asked him what was wrong, he started to speak, stopped, then pushed past me and said, "Just watch it. I need to go for a long, long drive."

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