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How a Boston Bruins Fan Survives Game Seven

Published by on May 13, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Thursday is what I call a "lost-day".

I'll be there in body, show up for work at my normal time, review whatever went haywire the night before, put in my usual time, and head out the door to review whatever went haywire at home while I was at work. A normal day.

Dinner will be served, the daily school/work stories will be told, table cleared, and "good" beer put in the fridge.

...all performed while in a semi-haze. Game seven is on. My mind is spoken for.

Man, did I miss this.

Not that many would know it around the country, but Boston at one time had quite a nice little hockey organization.

It won a lot, always providing the boisterous Garden faithful with a full night'...

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