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Thank You, 1994 San Francisco 49ers

Published by on May 14, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

I love the San Francisco 49ers. I have for as long as I can remember. Of course, it was quite easy to love the 49ers in the 1980s and 1990s. There were so many glorious teams and wonderful memories. And I can think of no harder task than picking a favorite.

Aside from the Super Bowl teams, there are plenty that hold a special place in my heart, like the 1998 team that finally excised the demon of Brett Favre ruining my playoff experience from the 1995 season (I was AT the game). The 2002 team provided that electric fourth quarter comeback against the Giants that is still stunning to watch.

I also have fondness for recent years like 2006 when it looked like the team was actually turning a corner until Norv left (Th...

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