Featured, NFL NEWS

Inside The Mind of Oakland Raider QB JaMarcus Russell

Published by on May 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Any player, for any team is going to have a lot to go through in the mind. As a Quarterback, you have to look at protection questions, options to throw to, options on if you should run for it and even questions of self-survival, both game and career wise.

I was presented with an assignment, on what I would ask a player, there are basic questions, and difficult questions. Being a Raiders player and the number one pick, makes for even harder questions:

And, for the purpose of not knowing how JaMarcus Russell would respond to these, I'll leave them blank....how do you think he would respond?


What do you see the Raiders doing in 2009?

Will the team improve with the draft picks t...

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